Tuesday, March 23, 2010

As he peered out across the barren arctic tundra separated from the group, he heard blood curdling screams escape from the roaring of the wind. His heart pounded against his chest, he was frozen in fear. There was adrenalin coursing through his veins, his body telling him to run away as fast as he could, to forget the others. Should he do as his body told him, or should he do what his conscious told him, would they come back for him?
His warm breath turned to fog around him; he began running, faster and faster. Each breath more intense, a pain so great in his chest it was slowing his breathing. Each breath he took felt like a nail being hammered into his chest. The fear overwhelmed him, tightening his muscles, making it hard to move. He had to keep going; they knew he was there, somewhere, but where?

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